"title","fname","lname","city","state","zip","country","email","email2","hphone","mphone","status","interest","activities" "Dr.","Sarina","Grosswald","Arlington","VA","22202","USA","sarina@grosswald.com","sarina@grosswald.com","703 823-6933","","Recertified Governor","","" "Mrs.","Betty","Boothe","Saranac Lake","NY","12983","USA","boothefamily@roadrunner.com","boothefamily@roadrunner.com","","","Governor","","I would like for Livingston Manor to be a national center for enlightenment and invincibility for ladies. To that end, I would like for the Mother Divine ladies to come to Livingston Manor as soon as possible. Once they are established there, I would like for residence courses and world peace assemblies for ladies to be offered, and I would like for an ayuvedic spa and health center for ladies to be established." "","Kathleen","Skevington","Ashburn","Virginia","20147","USA","kskevington@comcast.net","kskevington@comcast.net","703-684-0368","","Recertified Governor","fundraising for Mother Divine","" "Dr.","Helen","Foster-Grimmett","Victoria","British Columbia","V8R 4P6","Canada","MEC-Victoria@telus.net","MEC-Victoria@telus.net","250.727.9587","","Recertified Governor","I am a Recertified Governor in Canada, and would so much enjoy being able to connect to your conference calls, unless they are private.____Wishing you the greatest success for the full blossoming of the Global Mother Divine Organization in the U.S., the most creative country in the world, and one so blessed with the presence of so many Mother Divine.____Jai Guru Dev__Helen Foster-Grimmett","" "Mrs","Gail","Dalby","Branford","CT","06405","United States","gdalby@globalcountry.net","gdalby@globalcountry.net","203 488-5464","203-641-1593","Recertified Governor","Being married I will work with my husband with MVED but also work with GMD as well. I can help to run any courses that you have for ladies in a large group setting if in my area .","We plan to build our Peace Palace this year and it is to be the ladies one first, in Hamden, CT. So any of the great programs that Sarina spoke about would be so great" "","Emily W.","Stakland","Fairfield","Iowa","52556","USA","stakland@natel.net","stakland@natel.net","319-694-2505","","Governor","When is the next recertified governor course?","Specific activities for ladies to support their husbands _and children_ -- pujas to Guru Dev, special pujas in the kitchen, special songs for the home/husband/kitchen, fasting on Tuesday _wife does, to benefit the husband_ -- in sort, all sorts of Vedic activities to benefit the home life and the success, health and happiness of the husband." "","Julia","Busch","Maharishi Vedic City","Iowa","52556","U.S.A.","jbusch@mum.edu","jbusch@mum.edu","641-472-6600","641-919-8888","Recertified Governor","I already work full time for Raja Hagelin along with my husband under the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management, The United States Peace Government and the David Lynch Foundation.__I am also a mother of two grown children_ my son is in his 3rd year of college and my daughter graduated from Maharishi University of Enlightenment at Mother Divine and she is currently a member of the Mother Divine Program.__I would love to help the Global Mother Divine - United States organization as much as I am able. Please feel free to contact me regarding any of your projects.__Jai Guru Dev","For my daughter_s sake, I would love to see a more developed Department of Vedic Dance offered at Mother Divine and ultimately, offered to all ladies. I think it would be a real draw for the younger generation who might be considering attending MUE or joining THMD." "","Lynn _Ethelynn_","Kaplan","Hartford","Connecticut","06127","united States","lkaplan@globalcountry.net","lkaplan@globalcountry.net","860-523-9020","860-690-2413","Recertified Governor","education for girls and young ladies__middle school, high school and college____I would like to focus on bringing Total Knowledge to young ladies in the US I also have some background in advertising so I would like to work on creative approaches to__ connect with and inspire more __young ladies to look toward Total Knowledge as the true source of their fulfillment.__I also have a strong interest in creating mother/daughter programs based in Total Knowledge","mother/daughter courses__or grandmother/grandaughter courses etc." "Independent Scholar","Kathryn","Evans","Ojai","California","93023-4117","United States","kathryn-e@sbcglobal.net","kathryn-e@sbcglobal.net","805.649.4931","805.212.6216","Sidha","I would like to participate as professor of Esoteric Studies within literature, religion, mythology, philosophy, art, and psychology.","Please include Esoteric Studies as an offering at Lifetime Learning, College, and University venues in the Santa Barbara/Ventura/Ojai area." "Ms.","Susan","Johnson","San Diego","California","92101","United States","susanjohnson108@yahoo.com","susanjohnson108@yahoo.com","_619_ 232-7912","","Meditator","I am actually a TM teacher _as opposed to meditator_Not being a sidha due to health, I continue to have a great interest in teaching.","I am particularly interested in the knowledge/products for ladies." "","Colleen","Chatterton","Brattleboro","Vermont","05301","USA","chatterton108@yahoo.com","chatterton108@yahoo.com","603-256-8643","802-380-3585","Governor","I_m home from MD taking care of my late mother_s affairs. I_m hoping to return soon. While I_m here I_m working part-time at the Brattleboro, VT MIC. My main interest is in writing, media, publicity, communications. I have a background and interest in education. _My undergraduate college background was in education and I was assistant Dean of Students at Heavenly Mountain Ideal Girls_ School. I_m very interested in the area of the GMDO that has to do with poetry and music. I like to write. I_m very interested in writing and doing publicity for the movement. I am very interested in CBE for girls. I_ve substituted teaching English in my local high school while I_ve been home.","I_m interested in seeing a CBE Girls_ School get established in Brattleboro, VT. I_d be interested in working with media and communications--I_d like to see classes or workshops in developing writing schools and communications skills to learn how best to contact media, write articles for media and do radio shows and TV shows. Media is my main interest right now.____PS Could you put scrolls on these comment bars so we could go back and check what we_ve written.____Personally, the idea of celebrations in the local Peace Palace is very important to me. My hometown is one of the ten top small arts towns in the country. Most everyone here is a writer, a musician, a visual artist or an actor. If we could have Gandharva Concerts and artistic celebrations at our Peace Palace--this would be a big step in becoming integrated into the local community. Also my community is very politically/socially active--as much information we can have about things such as the Global Poverty Removal Program and the world-wide implications of our program, I think we would win a great deal of support and empathy from the local community." "Dr.","Simi","Summer","Fairfield","IA","52556","usa","ssummer@lisco.com","ssummer@lisco.com","641 472 7771","","Governor","not sure at the moment other than long program","will respond later____Thank you___Jai Guru Dev" "Dr.","Simi","Summer","Fairfield","IA","52556","usa","ssummer@lisco.com","ssummer@lisco.com","641 472 7771","","Governor","not sure at the moment other than long program","will respond later____Thank you___Jai Guru Dev" "Ms.","Lou-Ann","Nixon","Cranston","Rhode Island","02905","USA","Lnixon9@cox.net","Lnixon9@cox.net","401-781-3392","401-497-3392","Sidha","I am interested in deepening my spirituality.","I would like to attend Mother Divine WPA_s in RI, Massachusetts or Connecticut. I would also like to attend other activites of Mother Divine. I am happy that the lady vijas will be participating in this program." "Dr.","Patti","Steurer","Portland","OR","97232","United States","pattitruenorth@gmail.com","pattitruenorth@gmail.com","503-819-0174","503-819-0174","Recertified Governor","I am Director of the Portland, OR MIC. Currently there is no physical center in Portland and I am attending the IA Course in Fairfield, IA. I plan to open a physical MIC in the fall of this year. I am very interested in working with ladies in business and the corportate development program. I have been cultivating several corporations in Portland and have made connections with lots of women who are in small business for themselves. So, I want to open a center, run the MAPI Store for women and work with ladies in business _corporate development_.","Everything and more :-__ I am interested in health and wellness and would like to offer ladies MAV programs especially for the female physiology." "","Claudia","Magill","Fairfield","Iowa","52556","USA","development@MaharishiVedicUniversity.net","development@MaharishiVedicUniversity.net","641-472-5618","","Recertified Governor","Helping start your unviersity and campus in Fairfield/MVC, building your campus, organizing courses here, emailing ladies_ mailing list I have, anything else I can do.","Start the University here for Mothers, build the campus, including the ladies_ Vedic Medical College."